Dem Candidate Twitter Followers
Yahoo Finance

Election 2020: Top Democratic Candidates
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AOC set new bar for staff pay
Yahoo Finance

Socialist or Capitalist: Where the 2020 Democrats Stand
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The U.S.-Mexico Border 'Wall'
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Mueller's Next Phase
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His World is Closing In
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Papa John Schnatter resigns: A timeline
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Hate in America
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Why Do Some Parts of New York Have So Many Subways...
The Village Voice

How Trump Team's Russia Meeting Story Evolved
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Will the NRA go the way of the tobacco lobby?
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California leads in sending former inmates to college
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The Daily Digit
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Following The Money
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Homelessness doesn’t take a break for Christmas
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Democrats used to campaign on class—and win
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How the Justice System Handles Sexual Assault
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Hot for Trump
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Hurricane Harvey graphics
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Donald Trump Jr Russia Connections
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Opioid Epidemic
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U.S. Mass Shootings chart
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Syria and Iraq map
Village Voice

US Security Assistance to Southeast Asia
Council on Foreign Relations

Imprisonment Rate vs. Violent Crime Rate

Yemen's Front Lines
Council on Foreign Relations

How the Zika Virus Spread to the Americas
Council on Foreign Relations

River Basins with High Risk of Water Stress
Council on Foreign Relations

16 Charts That Explain 2016